主な学術論文(英文First authorのみ)
1. | Hayashi T, et al: Treatment of ischial pressure sores by means of sclerotherapy using absolute ethanol. Ann Plast Surg 53: 554-559, 2004 |
2. | Hayashi T, et al: Surgical management of ischial and perineal pressure ulcers with urethrocutaneous fistulae. J Wound Care 15: 55-57, 2006 |
3. | Hayashi T, et al: Decreased prostaglandin E2 production by inflammatory cytokine and lower expression of EP2 receptor result in increased collagen synthesis in keloid fibroblasts. J Invest Dermatol 126: 990-997, 2006 |
4. | Hayashi T, et al: New grading system for patients with treacher Collins syndrome. J Craniofac Surg 18: 113-119, 2007 |
5. | Hayashi T, et al: A false-negative sentinel lymph node in the parotid gland of a melanoma patient: a new algorithm for SLN biopsy in the parotid gland. Int J Clin Oncol 15: 504-507, 2010 |
6. | Hayashi T, et al: Dominant lymph drainage in the facial region: evaluation of lymph nodes of facial melanoma patients. Int J Clin Oncol 17: 330-335, 2011 |
7. | Hayashi T, et al: A new uniform protocol of combined corticosteroid injections and ointment application reduces recurrence rates after surgical keloid/hypertrophic scar excision. Dermatol Surg 38: 893-897, 2012 |
8. | Hayashi T, et al: Sentinel lymph node biopsy using real-time fluorescence navigation with indocyanine green in cutaneous head and neck/lip mucosa melanomas. Head Neck 34: 758-761, 2012 |
9. | Hayashi T, et al: An analysis of cheek reconstruction after tumor excision in patients with melanoma. J Craniofac Surg 25: e98-101, 2014 |
10. | Hayashi T, et al: Flap reconstruction in two patients with rare blood coagulation disorders. Eur J Plast Surg 37: 297-300, 2014 |
11. | Hayashi T, et al: Dominant lymph drainage in the upper extremity and upper trunk region: evaluation of lymph drainage in patients with skin melanomas. Int J Clin Oncol 19: 193-197, 2014 |
12. | Hayashi T, et al: Reconstruction of large cheek defect with/without sideburn using malar-posterior auricular-cervico flap. Ann Plast Surg 77: 173-177, 2016 |
13. | Hayashi T, et al: Review and proposal of regional surgical management for melanoma: revisiting of integumentectomy and incontinuity dissection in treatment of skin melanoma. Int J Clin Oncol 22: 569-576, 2017 |
14. | Hayashi T, et al: New video fluoroscopic chewing examination for patients who use dentures after mandibular reconstruction. Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg 57: 697-698, 2019 |
15. | Hayashi T, et al: New design concept of nasolabial flap for the reconstruction of a complex defect in the alar base. Facial Plast Surg 37: 134-135, 2021 |
(Original articles in bold)